
3 New Years resolutions to implement in 2021 in your COVID-19 ready workplace

As predicted by economist John Maynard Keynes in 1930, the number of hours we work has shrunk significantly as technology makes us more productive. We also started spending extra time away from home due to commuting and suburban living patterns, which we often forget are recent historical inventions.

COVID of course has seen this change significantly.  Whilst working from home at the start of 2020 was on a gentle and moderate increase, the % of the workforce that worked from home was still very small.  COVID showed how successfully one can work from home and how effective online meetings, using software to store data centrally and to measure employee performance actually is.  COVID was responsible for the biggest working from home experiment in history… and it proved successful!  The biggest bonus – no more getting stuck in traffic jams!

As it is now abundantly clear that COVID is not going away quickly, the challenge for business is how to sustainably deliver the quality and service their customers demand, while the majority of their workforce continues to work from home.  As we have seen thus far, the speed at which services are delivered has certainly diminished significantly.


Here are a few suggested resolutions to help your business improve their quality and service in 2021:



A recent workplace survey showed that 71% of executives said 2020 was their most-stressful work year ever, and 53% reported struggling with mental health issues at work.

Keeping employees motivated and recognising their contribution is going to be essential to companies going forward, not only because it is the right thing to do, but companies are also aware that it leads to increased business performance. That is why they are looking for tech and other tools to boost job satisfaction, worker health, sustainability, work-life balance, and flexible working arrangements.

Finding the right software to assist and implementing it in 2021 is a great resolution.  Software that can assist with ensuring employees are communicated with effectively, their training easily accessed and completed, and their performance constantly monitored, so assistance can be offered as soon as needed.



It is all very well allowing employees to work from home, but to do this they need access to the information they need to complete their tasks, and it needs to be quickly and easily accessible.  The challenge to the company is to provide this, but also ensure that employees only get access to the information they are authorized to access.

Remember that each employee that has access to the company data is a potential security breach, so keeping the information safe is equally as critical.  Not easily done when one of the biggest industries these days is hacking and ransoming information!

Making use of software that is cloud-based and that allows multiple permission levels for data is going to be essential if companies are to continue to operate successfully.  Making use of audit software to ensure protocols are maintained by employees working from home will also be critical.



With increasing demands being placed on fewer employees to deliver more, it is essential that employees be given the tools they need to ensure they spend their time on value-adding tasks, and not mundane, repetitive actions that add no value.  Software solutions and technology is available to make this happen.  Good examples of this are software solutions that automatically remind service providers when tasks need to be completed, and then track the delivery.  Another good example is software that makes sure people are certified to offer a service before they can deliver the service.  Online reporting of incidents, when they happen, from a smartphone, and then automatic reporting thereof to the right people is also a great way to reduce repetitive administration.




We will kick off 2021 in a financial recession. Job losses at an all-time high and unemployment the highest the world has ever seen.  A company that recognizes and provides for these challenges has a high chance of being a successful one.

Companies like OVS Solutions (Pty) Ltd, the Africa Licensee of the award-winning Rapid Global Software, have been delivering workplace software solutions for over 20 years.  Their only business is the continued development and improvement of their software, to make sure that the solutions keep pace with the ever-changing landscape.  They have used the learning of over 3 million users worldwide to develop a product that speaks to a company’s workplace needs.  Login to  https://ovs-solutions.com/ to see what their solutions offer.

OVS Solutions, the Africa Licensee of Rapid Global, also have a great support team who are available to assist with live demonstrations, user guides and relevant information you may require.  They can help you deliver on your plan.  Start 2020 by engaging with a company like OVS Solutions!